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USA Hockey Registration

Click here to register for USA hockey. Every player, coach, manager and locker room assistant must have a current USA hockey registration on file with the EMHA. Cost is $45 for ages 6 and older. Under 6 is free, but still required.

MAHA Consent to Treat Form

Every player must have a Consent to Treat form on file with their team.

Background Check

Every coach, manager, and locker room assistant must have a background check completed and on file with the EMHA. Cost is $10.

MAHA Parent Code of Conduct

The Michigan Amateur Hockey Association's Parent Code of Conduct outlines expectations for parents and must be signed and kept on file for each rostered player.

Scholorship Applications

Scholarship applications for the Brad Stone Scholarship and the Landall Scholarship become available every spring. Check back in February for these forms to be available.

USA Hockey Forms